Is Miniboss hiring?

Short answer, no. But we do partnerships with other studios, musicians, programmers, and artists. So keep an eye on our social medias, in case we’re searching for new collabs. 

I want to make games, but I don’t know where to start, can you help me?

The best way to learn is by doing it. There are lots of accessible tools and good books about making games! So our advice is to dedicate some time of your day to make a game and start discovering what you like and do not like about it in the creative process.
Some good books:
“Game Design Workshop”, “Theory of Fun”, and “Rules of Play”.
Site with guides for independent development: Pixel Prospector
Little guide to help you find out what kind of game you want to make and how: Sortingh.at

Which softwares do you use? 

Clip Studio
Visual Studio
Sublime Text
Unity, etc.